Jumat, 16 September 2011

my nu fave indie music..


The five-pieces sweet-voiced-power-pop band, started as a duo, and now you can see six people in the line-up (Priscii (PJ), Ario (The Adams frontman), Hasief, Ghyan, Echang and Gigih). . They said they were mainly influenced by Rooney, The Adams, Locksley and The Cardigans.


Bambang Iswanto (vocal and guitar), Akhmad Sya’ban Nasution (Bass), and Onny Maretino Nugroho (Drums) formed The Morning After in 2002, Malang. The band then recruited Pramudya Ananta as a guitar in 2004 before they entered the recording studio to record their first album release. Drawing from high school band called Mayonaise Punch, it only had two members that still remained until now. Sooner afterwards, the guys changed their name became “The Morning After” quoted from a Dutch article.

The Trees and The Wild mungkin masih asing di kuping sebagian kalian. Band ini memang terhitung baru. Terbentuk dari pertemanan masing-masing personilnya sejak bangku sekolah. Andra dan Remedy berteman sejak SMA dan pernah membuat proyek akustik bersama ketika kuliah. Sedangkan Iga adalah teman Andra di sebuah band blues, Enterprising John yang juga temannya sejak SMP. Di tahun 2006 mereka mulai mencoba menulis beberapa lagu. Beberapa karya pun tercipta. Dari sanalah perjalanan panjang The Trees and The Wild dimulai. Mereka menawarkan komposisi musik akustik yang sederhana dan ear catching. Mudah dicerna dan cukup minimalis.


Marcel Thee, Dion Panlima Reza, Vishnu Panji Pradana, Randy Apriza Akbar, Banu Mahari Satrio, Hans Citra Patria

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